Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hilarious Makeup Blog by Times Colonist wedding blogger- Andrea.


i don't know why it doesn't llink on here..? So maybe just copy and paste!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Bombshell Boutique

Finally we started our company and it is up and running and beautiful...Here are some pictures from it !

Check it out at :


Weddings galore!!!

I think it has been a while since i lasted posted much..lol...Yah, been crazy busy.. I was doing a lot of grad makeup as well in June.. I am looking forwrd to the mnay weddings i have scheduled this month..I am going over to Vancouver on the 17th for a wedding i am doing there..That will be fun..I'll visit my friends and family and take brittney with me.. I'll keep you posted with exciting news !!

My Article on Bridal/Wedding Makeup Tips for The Times Colonist

Bridal Tips for the Big day:
